Make the most of the talent on your non-profit board
Your Non-Profit Board is, no doubt, filled with talented people who are passionate about your business and want to help you succeed. It’s in your company’s best interest to tap the talents of each of those members, as efficiently and effectively as possible.
When you do, it’s a win-win. Board members derive lots of energy from using their skills to help your business succeed and your business accomplishes more because the Board members are putting their strengths to use on your behalf.
Tapping into everyone’s skill set isn’t always easy, however. For starters, you have to know what those skills are, which makes knowing your CliftonStrengths incredibly useful. When you do, you can play to each board member’s strengths and plug them into relevant roles, alleviating potential frustration and conflict. For example:
Are you using the people who have Strategic Thinking as a top CliftonStrength help develop your strategic plan?
When you throw an event, are you using someone with strong CliftonStrength Executing talents?
Are you using board members who have Relationship Building as a top CliftonStrength to foster connections with other partners in the community?
Millennial Guru would love to help you identify roles that align with your board members’ CliftonStrengths and strategize personnel needs for the future. When you do, you’ll see exciting results. Frustrations lesson. Things get done. Goals are accomplished.
If these are the results you’re after, let’s talk. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you capitalize on your most important resource: your people.